Other Policies

Conflict of Interest Policy: The SJMBT mandates that all authors disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their research or interpretation of data. This includes financial interests, personal relationships, or affiliations that might bias their work. Reviewers and editors are also required to declare any potential conflicts to ensure an unbiased and transparent review process. The journal aims to maintain integrity and trust by managing conflicts of interest diligently.

Human and Animal Rights Policy: SJMBT requires that all research involving human or animal subjects complies with ethical standards and guidelines. Authors must provide evidence of ethical approval from relevant committees and confirm that informed consent was obtained from human participants. For animal studies, authors must ensure humane treatment and adherence to established welfare guidelines. This policy ensures the protection of subjects' rights and well-being, upholding ethical research practices.

Informed Consent Policy: Authors submitting to SJMBT must confirm that informed consent was obtained from all human participants involved in their research. This consent should be documented, ensuring that participants are fully aware of the study's purpose, procedures, potential risks, and benefits. The policy emphasizes the importance of transparency and respect for participants' autonomy, ensuring that they participate voluntarily and with full understanding.

Editorial Policies: The journal follows a rigorous double-blind peer review process to maintain the quality and integrity of published research. Manuscripts are evaluated by independent reviewers who are unaware of the authors' identities, and vice versa. This process ensures objective assessment, constructive feedback, and confidentiality. Additionally, editors are responsible for making unbiased decisions based on reviewers' recommendations and the manuscript's merit.

Advertisement Policy: SJMBT's advertisement policy ensures that advertisements are not shown on Journal's Website. This policy maintains a clear separation between commercial and editorial interests.