Integration of LoRa and Blockchain for Secure Data Transmission in Smart Cities


  • Mannan Rana



Blockchain, LoRa, Long Range


Smart cities, which rely on cutting-edge technologies to improve service efficiency and the standard of living for their citizens, represent a revolutionary approach to urban living. The necessity of safe and dependable data transfer, which is essential to the smooth functioning of several interconnected systems, lies at the heart of this change. Because of their distinct and complimentary qualities, blockchain and LoRa (Long Range) stand out among the many technologies created to meet these needs. A wireless communication protocol called LoRa is well-known for its low power consumption and great range, which makes it perfect for linking Internet of Things (IoT) devices over large distances. In contrast, blockchain provides a decentralized, impenetrable structure that guarantees data security and integrity. These technologies work well together to address a number of problems that smart cities confront, such as data reliability, scalability, and illegal access to data. The topic is thoroughly examined in this conversation, with particular attention paid to definitions, development, benefits, drawbacks, and research gaps that call for more investigation. 


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How to Cite

Mannan Rana. (2024). Integration of LoRa and Blockchain for Secure Data Transmission in Smart Cities. Scientific Journal of Metaverse and Blockchain Technologies, 2(Special).
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